January Women's Play Reading Group
Kathleen Hanna says on Karen Finley's, Shock Treatment:
This is the work that made me get off my ass and actually do something, and it will inspire you, too!
Our monthly women's play reading group will meet Sunday, January 24th at 8pm, led by EBP artist Eliah Eason! Eason says:
Karen Finley, Kathleen Hanna, Patti Smith, Diane Di Prima, and Elizabeth Swados were/are all performance creating artists and poets who utilized explicit feminist content. I am drawn to the overlapping of feminism, punk rock, queer rights and poetry; noticing the influences they have had on each other throughout recent decades. Very much under recognized, these women chose to scream instead of hide behind metaphors.
RSVP with the subject "January Play Reading Group" to experimentalbpresents@gmail.com
You are welcome to start arriving at 8pm and we will begin reading at 8:30pm.
Location: Wednesday's place in Bushwick (location & reading materials will be disclosed with an RSVP).
*Please bring an open mind and a bottle of wine or something sweet~
EBP on Women's Monthly Play Reading Group:
The group is an inclusive community that was founded in Summer 2014 by a few EBP members before EBP was conceived. That said, the group is not exclusive to EBP artists. We welcome listeners and participators who represent the diversity of Brooklyn and beyond as it relates to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic class. We celebrate women-identifying playwrights and choose to read their plays, and we support a platform for women-identifying actors, artists, and appreciators to be the readers of the material.